To make a claim

When a customer believes that the service has not been provided in compliance with standards stipulated and he/she is unsatisfied, SP enables him to make a complaint or a claim.

How to proceed at making a claim? back

It is possible to claim for instance non-delivery, non-delivery in certain time, damage, content loss and destruction of an item. Indemnities – compensations provided by SP to the customer for the claims justified are set up in specific conditions of individual products and services or in contracts.

Who can submit a claim? back

  • A sender/addressee or a person authorized by him/her in case of a service linked with distribution of items or money.
  • A purchaser or a person authorized by him/her in case of goods purchase or provision of other service.

How and where it is possible to submit a claim? back

  • The claim/complaint shall be submitted by means of the standardized Claim Letter that shall be available at each post office or, on demand, it can be obtained from the SP Customer Service by mail/fax ( 
  • The Claim Letter shall be accompanied by a certificate of posting in case it has been issued to the item; by a certificate of purchase or by a photodocumentation or documents proving an amount of damage incurred.
  • The claim/complaint can be submitted at each post office.

Till when it is possible to submit a claim? back

Domestic postal services
Within 6 months from a collection of a postal item / a remittance of cash payment
International postal services
Within 6 months from a day after a day of a collection of a postal item / a remittance of a payment
Other services and goods purchase
Within 2 years for a day after a day of a service provision, goods purchase or goods acceptance

If the Business Terms and Conditions or a contract does not stipulate otherwise.

The right for indemnity back

In domestic postal service
Within 6 months from a collection of a postal item / a remittance of a cash payment
In international service
Within 6 months from a day after a day of a collection of a postal item / a remittance of cash payment

The next procedure back

  • The period for a settlement of the claim/complaint is 30 days, for international postal items within 60 days and it starts lapsing on a day of an acceptance of the claim/complaint. In reasoned cases (e.g. a reason at the side of a customer, expertise, etc.), regarding postal item, SP can extend this period by next 30 days. SP shall inform a customer on this fact in writing. At claiming international postal items, this period can be adequately longer, namely by reason of a failure of other postal operators at handling a claim or in the sense of exceptions stipulated in the Acts of Universal Postal Union.
  • Within the Complaints Procedure, SP can require from a customer the additional relevant information necessary for an inquiry. A period needed for a completing of this information does not include the period for the settlement of the claim/complaint.
  • The inquiry of the following international postal items – Letter and Literature for the Blind – shall be made by SP outside the territory of the Slovak Republic only in case when a destination country accepts such claims.
  • A result (a decision) of the Complaints Procedure shall be notified by SP in writing, to an address of a customer that is given in the Claim Letter.
  • Each claim/complaints shall be deemed to be justified when SP has not proceeded correctly or has breached the Business Conditions or a contract.
  • When SP does not meet the Complaints Procedure periods, the claim/complaint shall be deemed to be justified and a claim for indemnification in the range stipulated in the relevant Business Conditions or in a contract shall arise.


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